Discover Who We Are

Funded by local membership contributions and fundraising activities, the Landmark Association d/b/a '“Landmark Trust” provides a variety of historic preservation services for Bowling Green and Warren County.

From 1980 to 1991 Landmark was involved with the Bowling Green Main Street Project, a downtown revitalization effort which resulted in the rehabilitation and new construction of more than fifty commercial properties.

Areas of concern today include assisting historic districts and neighborhoods and working with local community organizations regarding historic preservation. The Landmark Trust sponsors programs of community and preservation awareness, along with workshops, rambles, picnics, and tours.


Our Mission

The Landmark Trust advocates the preservation, protection and maintenance of architectural, cultural and archaeological resources in Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky.


Our Membership

Landmark Trust membership is open to any individual, family, organization, and business interested in the preservation, protection and maintenance of our architectural heritage.


Meet Our Board


Nick Rabold, President

Casey Hammons, Vice President

Brooke Peterson, Treasurer

Lindsey Houchin, Secretary

Brent Bjorkman

Beth Edwardson

Tammi Ferrell

Rajna Bulut

Jonathan Schwer

Tyler Siddens

Chad Smith

Tommy Hines